SAE - Supervised Agricultural Experience
Overview: The Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program involves practical agricultural activities performed by students outside of scheduled classroom and laboratory time. SAEs provide a method in agricultural education for students to receive real-world career experiences in an area of agriculture that they are most interested in. Supervised Agricultural Experiences are an important component of agricultural education and are a required element of all Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) courses as explained by the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 130, Subchapter A.
General Guidelines
FFA Members have a variety of project choices. When selecting a project, it is critical that the student has full parental support.
There are many things to consider when it comes to an Animal SAE:
1. Is the student responsible enough to care for the project and will the parents support them with the finances, care and other responsibilities?
2. Where will the project be kept and what show will they be exhibiting in?
3. Does the student have reliable transportation to feed and care for the animal?
4. Will the student have time to care for and work with the animal?
5. What will the student do with the animal after it has been shown?
SAE Project Categories:
Breeding and Market Poultry
Breeding and Market Rabbits
Market Sheep
Market and Breeding Goats
Dairy Goats
Market Barrows and Breeding Gilts
Breeding Heifers
Market Steers
Ag Mechanics
Creative Arts
Animal Projects
The student is responsible for the initial cost of the animal as well as any expenses incurred while feeding and caring for the animal during the feeding period. This includes, but not limited to, feed costs, facility usage fees, entry fees, validation fees, transportation fees, hotel fees, processing fees and medical expenses.
Students will assume full responsibility for the proper care of his/her livestock project. The student must provide ethical treatment, fresh and clean water and feed and a clean pen for their livestock project on a daily basis. The neglect of animals will not be tolerated and it will result in the student’s immediate dismissal from the Sherman FFA SAE Program.
Project Descriptions
Breeding Poultry
Description of Project: Purebred chickens and ducks may be raised and exhibited by the student. Birds must be 6 months old or older at the time of the show.
Animal Cost: $5-$50
Feed Cost: $20/bag
Pen Rent: $5 per bird or $25 per coop.
Project Entry Fees: $5-$10 per show
Supplies: Poultry feeders and waterers. Container for feed storage. Transport box. Shavings for bedding. You must provide a draft-free, dry coop. Young birds will also need a heat lamp.
Market Poultry
Description of Project: Market broilers can be raised for the county show and Houston.
Animal Cost: $3-5 per bird. You must purchase a minimum of 25 birds. Birds are raised for 6-8 weeks. After that time, they need to be processed. Broilers are shown in pens of 3.
Feed Cost: $20/bag - Each bird will consume 19-20 lbs of feed in the 9-week growing period. The total feed cost is $200-$250.
Pen Rent: $25
Project Entry Fees: $30 per show
Supplies: Multiple poultry feeders and waterers. Container for feed storage. Transport box. Shavings for bedding. You must provide a draft-free, dry coop. Young birds will also need a heat lamp.
Breeding Rabbits
Description of Project: Purebred rabbits can be shown for up to 2 years. Rabbits must be an ARBA recognized breed. Rabbits must fit the ARBA standard of perfection for that breed and be free of disqualifications.
Animal Cost: $25-$100
Feed Cost: $20-$25 per bag (most rabbits will eat 4-8 oz of feed daily)
Pen Rent: $10 per rabbit
Project Entry Fees: $5 per rabbit per show
Supplies: Feeder, water bottle, transport cage, a container for feed storage, grooming tools, kitchen scale, tack box.
Market Rabbits (Meat Pens)
Description of Project: Californian rabbits may be shown as meat pens. Rabbits are approximately 100-105 days old at the time of the show. Students must purchase a minimum of 4 rabbits to make their pen of 3. This gives them 1 alternate rabbit. After the show, the rabbits may be sold as pets, processed, or used as breeding rabbits.
Animal Cost: $50 per rabbit
Feed Cost: $25-$50
Pen Rent: $10
Project Entry Fees: $30
Supplies: Feeder, water bottle, transport cage, a container for feed storage, grooming tools, kitchen scale, tack box.
Market Sheep & Goats
Description of Project: Market sheep are purchased during the summer and raised until March. Birth dates will be March-May. There are several breed options: Medium Wool (Hampshire), Southdown, Finewool Cross, Finewool, Dorper, and Dorset.
Animal Cost: $300 and up
Feed Cost: $20 per bag (feed 1-3 lbs per day)
Pen Rent: $25 per animal
Project Entry Fees: $25 - $30 per show
Market Goats: Hanging feeder, water bucket, collar, grooming supplies, a container for feed storage, and tack. Coats and/or heat lamps for winter, fan for summer.
Market Sheep: Hanging feeder, water bucket, halter, grooming supplies, a container for feed storage, and tack. Coats and/or heat lamps for winter, fan for summer.
Breeding Goats (Boer)
Description of Project: Registered, Purebred/Percentage does may be shown in this category.
Animal Cost: $300 and up
Feed Cost: $20/bag (feed 1-3 lbs per day)
Pen Rent: $25 per animal
Project Entry Fees: $25-$30
Supplies: Hanging feeder, water bucket, collar, grooming supplies, a container for feed storage, and tack. Coats and/or heat lamps for winter, fan for summer.
Dairy Goats
Description of Project: ADGA (American Dairy Goat Association) Registered Does may be raised for this project. They can be shown as Junior Does until they are 2 years old. After that time, to remain showable, they have to be in milk. There are many breeds to choose from - Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, Alpine, Saanen, LaMancha, etc. Breed List -
Animal Cost: $300-$600
Feed Cost: $20-$25 per bag (feed 1-2 lbs per day)
Pen Rent: $25 per animal
Project Entry Fees: $15-$35 per show
Supplies: Hanging feeder, water bucket, collar, grooming supplies, a container for feed storage and tack. Coats and/or heat lamps for winter, fan for summer.
Description of Project: Registered beef heifers can be shown for up to two years. They can be purchased any time during the year but here are two dates to validate them: June or October.
Animal Cost: $2500 and up
Feed Cost: $100-$200 per month
Project Fees:
Pen Rent: $50
Entry Fees: $30-$60 per show
State Validation: $20
Feed pan, 5 Gallon Water Bucket, and large water trough
Show Stick
Tack box and feed containers (trash cans with lids)
Grooming Supplies - Rice root brush and plastic scotch comb, shampoo, show products
Description of Project: Purebred and mixed-breed steers may be shown. DOB for steer projects should be August - October (the year before they will show). They will be approximately 16-18 months old at our county show.
Animal Cost: $1500 and up
Feed Cost: $150-$200/month
Project Fees:
Pen Rent: $50
Entry Fees: $30-$60 per show
State Validation: $20
Feed pan, 5 Gallon Water Bucket, and large water trough
Show Stick
Tack box and feed containers (trash cans with lids)
Grooming Supplies - Rice root brush and plastic scotch comb, shampoo, show products
Ag Mechanics
Description of Project: FFA agricultural mechanics projects must demonstrate a number of proficiencies. These projects not only include the planning and construction of the project but exhibitors are required to put together a project notebook and give a project presentation at each show.
The opportunities are endless for Ag Mechanics projects. Both wood and metal projects can be shown in a multitude of categories. Many students seek out sponsors for their projects. The cost of these projects will vary depending on the materials needed and Projects can be designed to fit almost any budget. . These can be both individual and group projects.
Project Entry Fees: $40 - $60 per show
Creative Arts - Texoma Exposition and Livestock Show
Description: Students may exhibit any creative arts project that they have made within the last year. Entries are $5 per item and students may enter multiple projects.
Art - ex. Acrylics, Sculpture, Sketches, Chalk (pastel), Watercolors, Charcoal, Oils
Crafts - ex. Candles, Macrame, Ceramics, Leather Crafts, Jewelry, Floral Arrangements, etc.
Food - ex. Cakes, cookies, jellies, pickles
Photography - Black & White, Color, Digitally Manipulated
Woodworking/Metal - Wood & Metal Furniture, wood carving, refinished items, decorative pieces
SHS Agricultural Project Facility
The “Ag Barn” is located behind Sherman Middle School. We have housing for sheep, goats, cattle, rabbits, poultry and market swine. Please see the facility agreement for rules and housing guidelines.