Membership Info
FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. FFA operates on local, state, and national levels. Student members belong to chapters organized at the local school level. Agriculture educators serve as chapter advisors. FFA Members must be currently enrolled in a Sherman ISD Agriculture Science class.
Please note - Membership in the Sherman FFA Program is not mandatory nor is raising a livestock project. However, all students enrolled in an Agricultural Science class are encouraged to join. Numerous studies have been conducted concerning the relationship between extracurricular activities and academic performance. Involvement in extracurricular activities is associated with an improved grade point average, higher educational aspirations, increased college attendance, and reduced absenteeism.
How to Join:
Dues: $25 per year
Membership Deadline: September 29
FFA Meetings:
The FFA Chapter and Alumni Club meets once per month at 6:00 pm in the SHS Cafeteria. Check the FFA Calendar tab to see all of the dates!
Sherman Junior FFA Program
Junior FFA Membership Eligibility: Membership is open to Elementary and Middle School Students enrolled in a Sherman ISD school. (Grades 3-8. Minimum age - 8 yrs old and in the 3rd grade.)
Junior Member Activities: Junior Members are eligible to exhibit livestock, Ag Mechanics, and TELS Creative Arts projects. They are not eligible for FFA contests such as Career and Leadership Development Events but are allowed to participate in all other FFA activities. A parent must be in attendance with them at all FFA Events.
Junior Members can exhibit all animal species - sheep, goats, swine, cattle, rabbits, and poultry. The most common project for Junior Members is a breeding rabbit. Junior members must have parental supervision at all FFA events.